
JR Series​​​​ Multi-Pin​​​ 

​​​​JR Series​​​​ ​​​•6 k​VD​C ​•4 ​​& 6-pin​
Altitude Rating
70,000 ft (21.34 km)

Operating Temperature
-55º to 125ºC​​​​​​​

Current Rating
3 Amps 
The JR Series of subminiature high voltage cable assemblies that utilize Teledyn​e Reynolds' patented Advanced Interface Sealing SystemTM  are ideally designed to interconnect low power, mini-TWTs to a power supply in Radar or Electronic Countermeasure (ECM) systems. Since their introduction, these high contact density assemblies have also found applications in laser systems, photomultiplier detection systems, night vision systems, Space instruments and other applications where high voltage in a small package with a highly, flexible cable harness is required.

JR Series connectors are only available as pre-assembled plug or receptacle cable assemblies with e ach assembly wired with Teledyne Reynolds’ Ready-to-Bond™ etched FEP or silicone coated, FEP wire. Both shielded and un-shielded configurations are available.

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